Wrong information about olive oil

To oppose some common misconceptions set out below is SOME INFORMATION ABOUT extra VIRGIN OLIVE OIL.

The Association of Cretan Olive Cropping Municipalities advise consumers to choose only virgin and extra virgin olive oil and stay away from any refined oil.
Mr. Nikos Mihelakis, General Manager of the association (SEDIK), who is very experienced in the field of olive oil, on the occasion of a recent food scandal, addressed consumers through local media, stressing the need for frequent and austere controls in the market of olive oil. The predominant issue facing us these days, the contamination of sunflower oil with mineral oil, shows a different side of things which in my opinion is more important - the risks of refined oil in general, be it seed oil or even olive oil.
Refining refers to any chemical process aiming at improving the quality of different oils either in terms of acidity or other negative characteristics. However, this procedure unfortunately removes from the oils all their beneficial characteristics, creating at the same time too much suspicion with respect to the chemical residues in them, said Mr. Mihelakis. He stressed once again the need for systematized controls, from a unified body, in all cases of refined oils, including refined olive oils.
"Unfortunately, refined olive oils constitute 50% of total consumption from the Greek supermarkets. Virgin olive oil is usually consumed only by those who produce it and those who buy it directly from producers”. At the same time there should be wide publicity with regard to the significant differences, in general, between refined oil and virgin or extra virgin olive oil, which is renowned for its many health benefits.
The refined oils do not possess such beneficial properties. Although the cost of their production is considerably lower, they sell almost at the same price as virgin and extra virgin olive oils solely due to dubious advertising.